Born 17 December 1982 in Prague. He lives and works in Prague.
Times Art Museum, Beijing, CHN
Bloomage International Investments, Beijing, CHN
Huan Yu Private Collection, CHN
Henri and Claude de Saint Pierre Collection, Paris, FRA
Faupel Collection, Berlin, GER
Collection of SOHO China, Beijing, CHN
ArtDepot Gallery, Beijing, CHN
GMU - Galerie Modern.ho Uměn., Hradec Kr.lov., CZE
GASK - Galerie Středočesk.ho kraje, Kutn. Hora, CZE
Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic, Prague, CZE
Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř, Prague, CZE
8SMIČKA, Humpolec, CZE
Lettenmayer Collection, Prague, CZE
Galerie Beh.m.t, Prague, CZE
Fait Gallery, Brno, CZE
Wannieck Gallery, Brno, CZE
Galerie Miroslava Kub.ka, Litomyšl, CZE
Galerie Felixe Jeneweina, Kutn. Hora, CZE
The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU)
Painting Studio III, Michael Rittstein School / Prague, CZE
2008 The San Francisco Art Institute / San Francisco, USA
2007 The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (VŠUP)
Painting Studio of Stanislav Diviš / Prague, CZE
The Technical College of Applied Arts
Painting Studio / Prague, CZE
The Technical School of Applied Arts
Studio of Stage Set Scenery / Prague, CZE
2018 AIR - Artist in Residence, Krems, AUT
2013 Studio Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř, CCC, Beijing, CHN
2022 The Quest for Tranquil Space / American University Museum at the
Katzen Arts Center / Washington, DC, US
Journey to the Silence of the Universe / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř / Prague, CZE
2020 Turuturu / Opero / Prague, CZE
2019 NO sleeps in the Forest / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř / Prague, CZE
2018 Self similarity / Galerie Stadtpark / Krems / AUT
2017 NO DATA / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř, Prague, CZE
2016 The Theory of Dataism / L-Art Gallery, Chengdu, CHN
Josef Achrer / Heng jia tang, Beijing, CHN
The Theory of Dataism / Today Art Museum, Beijing, CHN
Pro-jection and Ab-straction [Pro-jekce a ab-strakce] / Galerie Kvalit.ř, Prague, CZE
Dataism and the Infomanic Society [Dataismus a infomanick. společnost] / Galerie
Zdeněk Sklen.ř, Prague, CZE
2015 Backstories / Fait Gallery MEM, Brno, CZE
ACHRER / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř Chambre . part, Prague, CZE
2014 KBVK / Galerie Morzin, Vrchlab., CZE
RGB3D č. 1 / Pianka Dalibor, Z.kolany, CZE
2013 Push the Leaks / Wannieck Gallery, Brno, CZE
Open studio / Studio Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř, CCC, Beijing, CHN
The Coordinates [Souřadnice] / Galerie města, Kol.n, CZE
…ffffrom the Earth; [ …zzzze Země]/ Kulturn. dům Dobř.š, Dobř.š, CZE
…ffffrom the Earth; […zzzze Země] / Galerie Kritiků, Prague, CZE
The Landscape No. 22 [Krajina č. 22 ] / GASK – Galerie Středočesk.ho kraje, Kutn.
Hora, CZE
The Terrarium [Ter.rium] / Galerie AVOID, Prague, CZE
Through [Skrz] / Galerie Workshop@Y, Prague, CZE
2011 Open studio / AFGallery, Prague, CZE
2009 Altars [Olt.ře] / Galerie Peron, Prague, CZE
2021 Signal II / Telegraph Gallery / Olomouc, CZE
2019 Four Landscapes / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř / Prague, CZE
ECHO / Fait Gallery / Brno, CZE
Culmination / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř / Prague, CZE
2017 Focused on nonspecific [Zaostřeno na neurčito] / Gelerie Topičův Salon / Prague, CZE
1685 Days and nights [1685 Dn. a noc.] / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř / Prague, CZE
Crack of Consciousness and Material / ArtDepot Gallery, Beijing, CHN
Prague Power Boost – Krištof Kintera / Josef Achrer / Marek Č.hal / Ludwig Museum,
Koblenz, GER
2016 Another Fields / Galerie Kritiků, Praha, CZE
The Historicode / Baijia Lake Museum Nanjing, Nanjing, CHN
Another Fields / VisionÅLs Gallery Tokio, JAP
The Extended Painting: Between the Figurative and the Abstract /
Prague House, Brussels, BEL
2015 From Our Times [Z času našeho] Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř, Litomyšl, CZE
The Fig.* 2007 + - 2015 [Obr. *2007 – +2015] / Galerie V.clava Š, Prague, CZE
2014 UP-YOUTH: The Narratives of the Youth and Reality / Times Art Museum, Beijing,
The Industrial Revolution 2 [Industri.ln. Revoluce 2] / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř
Colours of Ostrava, VP1 (Bolt Tower), Lower V.tkovice, Ostrava, CZE
From Landscape to Landscape [Od krajiny do krajiny] / Galerie Zdeněk Sklen.ř
Chambre . part, Prague, CZE
The Golden Age [Zlatý věk] / Dům uměn. města Brna, Brno, CZE
2013 The Fig. Catalogue Fig. [Obr. Katalog Obr.] / Galerie 1. patro, Prague, CZE
The Fig. Project [Projekt Obr.] / Art Prague 2013, Prague, CZE
Outline! [Obrys!] /Dům uměn. města Brna, Brno, CZE
The Skeleton in a Tomato Sauce [Kostlivec v rajsk. om.čce] / Wannieck Gallery,
Brno, CZE
2012 The Critics Award Finalists 2012 [Finalist. Ceny Kritiky 2012] / Galerie Kritiků,
Prague, CZE
The Critical Selection (with Martin Krajc) [Kritický výběr (společně s Martinem
Krajcem)] / Galerie Caesar, Olomouc, CZE
Pets / Bredgade Kunsthandel, K.benhavn, DEN
Jenewein – XII. Annual Symposium Exhibition / Galerie Felixe Jeneweina, Kutn.
Hora, CZE
The Young Stars – 1st Annual Symposium Exhibition [Mlad. hvězdy – výstava prac.
I. ročn.ku Sympozia ] / Galerie Miroslava Kub.ka, Litomyšl, CZE
The Fig. at Vysočina [Obr. na Vysočině] / Oblastn. galerie Vysočiny, Jihlava, CZE
2011 Against the Greyness Foundation [Nadace Proti šedi] / DOX – Centrum současn.ho
uměn., Prague, CZE
The Fig. 2011 [Obr. 2011] / Galerie NoD, Prague, CZE
From the Outside Out, from the Inside In (with Martin Krajc) [Z venku ven, zevnitř
dovnitř (společně s Martinem Krajcem)] / Galerie Sýpka, Valašsk. Meziř.č., CZE
The Antithesis of Painting [Antiteze malby] / Galerie Kritiků, Praha, CZE
Czech Painting of the 21st Century: The Aughts Generation [Česk. malba generace
nultých let 21. stolet. ] / Wannieck Gallery, Brno, CZE
2010 The Half-and-Half (with Tom.š Absolon) [Na Půl (společně s Tom.šem Absolonem) / Galerie Via Art, Prague, CZE
AVU Graduates 2010 [Diplomanti AVU 2010] / N.rodn. galerie, CZE
AVU Graduates 2010 [Diplomanti AVU 2010] / Městsk. Muzeum a galerie, Polička,
The Fig. on P.sek [Obr. na P.sku] / Galerie Tranzit, Bratislava, SVK
The Fig. Cube – project in the Kl.rov outdoors [Obr. Krychle] / Prague, CZE
Studio Exhibition – Painting III [Ateli.rov. výstava / Malba – III] / Galerie Lapid.rium,
Prague, CZE
Studio Exhibition – Painting III [Ateli.rov. výstava / Malba – III] / Alšova jihočesk.
galerie, Česk. Budějovice, CZE
The Fig. in Landshut / Galerie Bewegung, Landshut, GER
Espusa / Galerie AVU, Prague, CZE
Cabinette el Checo / Galerie Format comodo, Madrid, ESP
The Fig. at M.nes [Obr. v M.nesu] / Galerie M.nes, Prague, CZE
The Fig. upon Brno [Obr. nad Brnem] / Galerie Aula, Brno, CZE
2007 Beauty and the Beast [Kr.ska a zv.ře] / Galerie Nov. s.ň, Prague, CZE
The Fig. at the Loover (formal founding of the Fig. art group [Obr. v Lůvru (ofici.ln.
založen. mal.řsk. skupiny Obr.)] / Galerie Louvre, Prague, CZE
Fig. [Obr. ] / Designblok / Karlin Halls, Prague, CZE
The AVU Annual Exibition [Výročn. výstava AVU] / N.rodn. galerie, Prague, CZE
The Painting Studio of the VŠUP [Ateli.r malby na VŠUP Praha] / Galerie XXL,
Louny, CZE
2006 The Painting Studios Confrontational Exhibition [Konfrontačn. výstava mal.řských
ateli.rů] / Galerie VŠUP, AVU, Prague, CZE
Nexo / Centro Cultural San Clemente del Gobierno Provincial de Toledo, Toledo,
140 x 150 / Galerie Dinitz, Prague, CZE
2017 NAIC Project / SOHO China, Badaling, CHN
2012 Young Stars [Mlad. hvězdy] / Galerie Miroslava Kub.ka, Litomyšl, CZE
2012 Jenewein / Galerie Felixe Jeneweina, Kutn. Hora, CZE
2006 Nexo / Toledo, ESP
2005 Meating Points / Plzeň, CZE
2012 Art Critics Award for Young Painting, CZE
Moltkestr. 81 • 50674 Cologne • Germany
Wed - Fri: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sat 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
or by appointment
Lindenstr. 19 • 50674 Cologne • Germany
Fri: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
or by appointment
Phone +49 (0)221 1690 5505
Moltkestr. 81 • 50674 Cologne • Germany
Wed - Fri: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sat 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
or by appointment
Lindenstr. 19 • 50674 Cologne • Germany
Fri: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
or by appointment
Phone +49 (0)221 1690 5505